


本オークションを利用するには入会費(30,000円 0円)と年会費(20,000円 0円)が必要となります。(※利用料金について






(例)山田 太郎


(例)ヤマダ タロウ





(例)0667779118 ※ハイフン無し


(例)0667088822 ※ハイフン無し




(例)大阪府公安委員会発行 古物許可証 第○○○○号

※ファイル形式は jpeg, png, pdf のいずれかを選択して下さい。











  • ウェブサイト上のオークション機能の提供
  • 出品代行ならびに商品の保管
  • 売買の仲介
  • 購入代金の回収および売上金額の受け渡し
  • 商品に対する疑義、クレームに関する事柄の仲介




大阪府大阪市東住吉区住道矢田6-6-8 関西古物市場会場2F









  • ユーザーは当社が会員名簿に登載する事を認めかつ、会員所在公安委員会発行の「皮革類・ゴム製品類・衣類・時計宝飾品・美術品類の古物取扱い許可証」の所有者でなければならない。
  • 当社が要請する必要書類を提出しなければならない。
  • 本サービス参加に必要となる地上通信網及び通信設備を有し、当社が推奨する動作環境を満たすこと。


  • ユーザーは、自己の責任において、本サービスのユーザーIDおよびパスワードを適切に管理するものする。
  • ユーザーは、いかなる場合にも、ユーザーIDおよびパスワードを第三者に譲渡または貸与し、もしくは第三者と共用することはできない。当社は、ユーザーIDとパスワードの組み合わせが登録情報と一致してログインされた場合には、そのユーザーIDを登録しているユーザー自身による利用とみなします。
  • ユーザーID及びパスワードが第三者によって使用されたことによって生じた損害は、当社に故意又は重大な過失がある場合を除き、当社は一切の責任を負わないものとします。


  • 当社は、ユーザーが以下のいずれかに該当する場合には、事前の通知なく、ユーザーに対して、本サービスの全部もしくは一部の利用を制限し、またはユーザーとしての登録を抹消することができるものとする。
    • 本規約のいずれかの条項に違反した場合
    • 登録事項に虚偽の事実があることが判明した場合
    • 料金等の支払債務の不履行があった場合
    • 当社からの連絡に対し、一定期間返答がない場合
    • 本サービスについて、最終の利用から一定期間利用がない場合
    • その他、当社が本サービスの利用を適当でないと判断した場合
  • 当社は、本条に基づき当社が行った行為によりユーザーに生じた損害について、一切の責任を負わない。




  • ユーザーは、本サービスの有料部分の対価として、当社が別途定め、本ウェブサイトに表示する利用料金を、当社が指定する方法により支払うものとします。
  • ユーザーが利用料金の支払を遅滞した場合には、ユーザーは年14.8%の割合による遅延損害金を支払うものとする。



  • 法令または公序良俗に違反する行為
  • 犯罪行為に関連する行為
  • 本サービスの内容等、本サービスに含まれる著作権、商標権ほか知的財産権を侵害する行為
  • 当社、他のユーザー、またはその他第三者のサーバーまたはネットワークの機能を破壊したり、妨害したりする行為
  • 本サービスによって得られた情報を商業的に利用する行為
  • 当社のサービスの運営を妨害するおそれのある行為
  • 不正アクセスをし、またはこれを試みる行為
  • 他のユーザーに関する個人情報等を収集または蓄積する行為
  • 不正な目的を持って本サービスを利用する行為
  • 本サービスの他のユーザーまたはその他の第三者に不利益、損害、不快感を与える行為
  • 他のユーザーに成りすます行為
  • 当社が許諾しない本サービス上での宣伝、広告、勧誘、または営業行為
  • 当社のサービスに関連して、反社会的勢力に対して直接または間接に利益を供与する行為
  • その他、当社が不適切と判断する行為



  • 当社は、以下のいずれかの事由があると判断した場合、ユーザーに事前に通知することなく本サービスの全部または一部の提供を停止または中断することができるものとする。
    • 本サービスにかかるコンピュータシステムの保守点検または更新を行う場合
    • 地震、落雷、火災、感染症流行、停電または天災などの不可抗力により、本サービスの提供が困難となった場合
    • コンピュータまたは通信回線等が事故により停止した場合
    • その他、当社が本サービスの提供が困難と判断した場合
  • 当社は、本サービスの提供の停止または中断により、ユーザーまたは第三者が被ったいかなる不利益または損害についても、一切の責任を負わないものとする。


  • 当社は、本サービスに事実上または法律上の瑕疵(安全性、信頼性、正確性、完全性、有効性、特定の目的への適合性、セキュリティなどに関する欠陥、エラーやバグ、権利侵害などを含みます。)がないことを明示的にも黙示的にも保証するものではない。
  • 当社は、本サービスに起因してユーザーに生じたあらゆる損害について一切の責任を負わないものとする。ただし、本サービスに関する当社とユーザーとの間の契約(本規約を含みます。)が消費者契約法に定める消費者契約となる場合、この免責規定は適用されないものとする。
  • 前項ただし書に定める場合であっても、当社は、当社の過失による債務不履行または不法行為によりユーザーに生じた損害のうち特別な事情から生じた損害(当社またはユーザーが損害発生につき予見し、または予見し得た場合を含む。)について一切の責任を負わないものとする。また、当社の過失による債務不履行または不法行為によりユーザーに生じた損害の賠償は、ユーザーから当該損害が発生した月に受領した利用料の額を上限とする。
  • 当社は、本サービスに関して、ユーザーと他のユーザーまたは第三者との間において生じた取引、連絡または紛争等について一切責任を負わないものとする。












  • 本規約の解釈にあたっては、日本法を準拠法とする。
  • 本サービスに関して紛争が生じた場合には、当社の本店所在地を管轄する裁判所を専属的合意管轄とする。











  • 当社で行う出品代行手続きは以下の通り。
    • 商品の検品、商品写真の撮影。
    • オークション出品の為のデータ登録。
    • 当社所定場所にて商品の保管。
    • 商品の開始価格の指定。
  • データ登録内容、開始価格に指定がある場合は商品引き渡しに申告しユーザーと当社との間で協議の上決定するものとする。



  • 商品の真贋の信憑性
  • 当社への引き渡し時の完全性
  • 商品の所有権の信頼性


  • 出品ユーザーは当社へ商品の引き渡しを行い際に商品の瑕疵や補足がある場合、当社へ申告しなければならない。これを怠り、クレームが発生した場合の損害賠償は故意、過失を問わず商品の持ち主である出品ユーザーの責任とする。
  • 出品ユーザーは、出品予定商品の内容を、本サービスの自社出品一覧画面で必ず確認しなければならない。



  • 法令・条例または公序良俗に違反する商品
  • 犯罪行為、違法行為によって不正に得た商品
  • 第三者に不利益、損害、不快感を与える商品
  • 本サービスの品位を損なう商品
  • その他当社が不適当と判断する商品



  • 自身が出品した商品に対して入札を行う行為。
  • 他のユーザーに依頼し入札を促す行為。
  • 出品した商品を本サービスを経由せず取引を行う行為。


  • ユーザーは出品に対して手数料を支払わなければならない。
  • ユーザーが出品した商品が落札された場合は売り上げとし、売上げ手数料を当社へ支払わなければならない。
  • 出品手数料には別途手数料が発生する。











  • 入札を行うユーザーは商品の画像、検品説明文を確認の上、責任をもって行わなければならない。
  • 応札1回あたりの競り上げ価格は当社規定の単位とする。
  • 入札の取り消しについては一切応じないものとする。




  • 落札ユーザーは落札した商品の金額のほか、落札手数料を当社へ支払わなければならない。
  • 落札金額および落札手数料にはそれぞれ消費税がかかる。
  • ユーザーはオークション終了後、指定の期日までに当社指定の方法で請求合計額を支払わなければならない。



  • 購入の意思が無いのに入札を繰り返す行為。
  • 出品ユーザーからの依頼で入札をする行為。



  • 当社での手渡しによる引き渡し。
  • ユーザーにより配送会社を手配し配送。
  • 当社より配送を手配。



  • 当社は、オークション参加希望者に対して、出品予定の商品情報を当社会員サイト上に掲載することにより提供する。
  • サイト上などに掲載される商品の写真及び説明は、当社の基準に則った商品情報であり、その表記により商品について何ら保証するものではない。よって、掲載情報について、当社は何ら法的義務を負うものではなく、落札後にサイト上などの掲載情報と落札品との差異を理由とする売買契約の解除は受けることができない。
  • ユーザーは、下見会に参加して購入希望商品を自身で確認し、自身の責任と判断で商品を購入するものとする。
  • オークションの出品商品は現物有姿とし、商品の真贋について、当社は一切の責任を負わないものとする。


評価 状態
N プライスタグ、保護シールなど付属あり。新品同様の状態
S 未使用品の状態
SA 数回使用感はあるが新品に近い状態
A 多少使用感有。状態は良い
AB 目立たない汚れや傷が有る状態
B 使用による傷や汚れが有る状態
BC 傷や汚れにより外観に影響が有る状態
C 通常使用に支障が有る状態





  • 当社指定の銀行口座への振り込み
       楽天銀行 第四営業支店
       普通 7011514
  • 当社指定の決済代行会社によるクレジットカード支払い



  • 出品手数料
    • 出品代行手数料:被落札点数1点につき500円
    • 商品落札時手数料:落札代金の5%
  • 出品取消手数料
    • 出品取消手数料:1点につき500円
  • 落札手数料
    • 落札手数料:落札代金の3%
  • 上記1号から3号にかかる消費税









〒546-0022 大阪府大阪市東住吉区住道矢田5-5-27
代表取締役 守屋 大輔

個人情報保護管理者 専務取締役 高柳 政人
所属部署:株式会社QP  本社管理
連絡先:TEL  0120-967-322


分類 利用目的
お客様情報(会員登録含む) ・お客様からのご意見やお問合せに対する回答等の対応のため

(2) 後払いをご利用いただく場合(決済会社(第三者への債権譲渡)への提供)


〒546-0022 大阪市東住吉区住道矢田5-5-27
電話番号:0120-967-322 (土、日、祝日、年末年始を除く。)

ご本人が当社に個人情報を提供されるかどうかは、ご本人の任意によるものです。 ただし、必要な項目を提供いただけない場合、各種サービス等が適切な状態でご提供できない場合があります。




また当社のサイトでは個人情報を入力していただく部分にSSL(Secure Sockets Layer)データ暗号化システムを利用するなど、セキュリティ確保に努めております。


Terms of Service
These terms and conditions of use (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms of Use") shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan.
These Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms of Use") apply to the QPK Auction (hereinafter referred to as the "Service") provided by QP Co. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") provides on this website (hereinafter referred to as the "Service").
Registered users (hereinafter referred to as "users") may use the Service in accordance with these Terms.

Article 1 (Application)

These Terms shall apply to all relationships between the User and the Company regarding the use of the Service.
In addition to these Terms, the Company may make various provisions regarding the Service, such as rules for use (hereinafter referred to as "Individual Provisions").
These individual regulations may be called by any name. These Individual Regulations, regardless of their names, shall constitute a part of these Terms.
In the event that the provisions of this Agreement are inconsistent with the provisions of the Individual Provisions of the preceding article, the provisions of the Individual Provisions shall take precedence unless otherwise specified in the Individual Provisions.

Article 2 (Purpose)

This service deals with watches, jewelry, leather and rubber products, clothing, pottery, home appliances, etc., and when holding this service, fair sales arrangements,necessary procedures, and other matters to ensure the smooth operation of the auction.

Article 3 (Method of Transactions)

The Service shall be conducted by holding auctions on the website operated by the Company using a terrestrial communication network or dedicated software, and shall act as an agent for the sale of watches and jewelry, leather and rubber products, clothing, ceramics, art works, etc., and as an intermediary in transactions between users of the Company's website and successful bidders.

Prices are bid up to a range specified by the company, and users must comply with all transaction results.

Article 4 (Role of the Company)

Our company's role in this service is as follows.

  • Provision of the auction function on the website
  • Acting as an auctioneer and storing goods
  • Intermediation of sales
  • Collection of the purchase price and delivery of the sales amount
  • Mediation of matters related to doubts and complaints about products

Article 5 (Location)

The Company's headquarters shall be located at 5-5-27 Sunji Yata, Higashisumiyoshi-ku, Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture, and the Company shall be responsible for the operation and management of the Service.

Article 6 (Preliminary preview)

Prior to holding an auction of this service, a preliminary inspection shall be conducted.
The pre-auction inspection site is as follows.
6-6-8 Sunji Yata, Higashisumiyoshi-ku, Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture.

The opening date and time of the pre-auction viewing site shall be announced on the Company's website for each auction.

Article 7 (Date and Time)

As a general rule, the dates and times of this service are as follows.

From the 18th to the 23th of every month

The date and time of this service may change due to our company's circumstances.
The holding time for each product is stated on the product page.
The date and time of the auction of this service will be announced on our website.

Article 8 (Registration Qualifications)

The qualifications for registration to use this service are as follows

  • The user must be authorized by the Company to be listed in the member list and must have secondhand articles dealer license (Handling Permit for Leather, Rubber Products, Clothing, Watches, Jewelry, and Artwork) issued by the Public Safety Commission in which we are belong to.
  • You must submit the necessary documents requested by us.
  • The applicant must have the terrestrial communication network and communication facilities necessary to participate in the Service, and must meet the operating environment recommended by the Company.

Article 9 (Management of user ID and password)

  • The user shall manage the user ID and password of this service appropriately at his / her own risk.
  • The User shall not, under any circumstances, transfer or lend the User ID and password to a third party, or share them with a third party.
    In the event that a user logs in with a user ID and password combination that matches the registered information, the Company shall consider the use of the site to be by the user himself/herself who has registered the user ID.
  • The Company shall not be liable for any damage caused by the use of a user ID and password by a third party, except in cases where the Company is intentionally or grossly negligent.

Article 10 (Restriction of Registration and Cancellation of Registration)

  • The Company may, without prior notice, restrict the User from using all or part of the Service, or cancel the User's registration, if the User falls under any of the following.
    • In the event that the user violates any of the provisions of this Agreement.
    • When it is found that there is a false fact in the registered information.
    • In the event of default in payment of fees or other obligations.
    • When there is no response to communication from the Company for a certain period of time.
    • When there is no use of this service for a certain period of time after the last use.
    • In any other cases where the Company deems the use of the Service to be inappropriate.
  • The Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the User as a result of any action taken by the Company in accordance with this Article.

Article 11 (Withdrawal)

Users may withdraw from the Service by following the withdrawal procedures specified by the Company.

Article 12 (Usage Fees)

  • In consideration of the paid portion of the Service, the User shall pay the usage fee separately determined by the Company and displayed on the Website in the manner designated by the Company.
  • In the event that the User delays payment of the usage fee, the User shall pay a late fee at the rate of 14.8%per annum.

Article 13 (Prohibited Matters)

In order to participate our auction site, the following qualifications are required.
  • Acts that violate laws and regulations or public order and morals.
  • Acts related to criminal acts.
  • Infringement of copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights contained in this service, including its content.
  • Acts that destroy or interfere with the functionality of our company, other users, or other third party servers or networks.
  • Using the information obtained from this service for commercial purposes.
  • Acts that may interfere with the operation of the Company's services.
  • Acts of unauthorized access or attempts to do so.
  • Acts that collect or accumulate personal information about other users.
  • Acts of using this service with a fraudulent purpose.
  • Actions that cause disadvantage, damage, or discomfort to other users of this service or other third parties.
  • Act of impersonating other users.
  • Advertising, solicitation, or business activities on the service that are not authorized by the company.
  • Directly or indirectly providing benefits to antisocial forces in relation to the Company's services.
  • Any other actions that the Company deems inappropriate.

Prohibited items related to auction listings and transactions shall be specified separately.

Article 14 (Suspension of Provision of the Service)

  • The Company may suspend or interrupt the provision of all or part of the Service without prior notice to the User if the Company deems that any of the following reasons exist.
    • When performing maintenance, inspection, or updating of the computer system for this service
    • When the provision of the Service becomes difficult due to force majeure such as earthquakes, lightning, fires, infectious disease outbreaks, power outages, or natural disasters.
    • When the computer or communication line stops due to an accident.
    • In any other cases where the Company deems it difficult to provide the Service.
  • The Company shall not be liable for any disadvantage or damage suffered by the user or a third party due to the suspension or interruption of the provision of the Service.

Article 15 (Disclaimer of Warranty and Disclaimer of Liability)

  • The Company does not guarantee that the Service will be free from defects in fact or in law (including defects related to safety, reliability, accuracy, completeness, effectiveness, fitness for a particular purpose, security, etc., errors or bugs, infringement of rights, etc.).
    The Company does not guarantee, either explicitly or implicitly, that the Service is free of defects.
  • The Company shall not be liable for any and all damages incurred by the User due to the Service.
    However, if the contract between the Company and the user regarding this service is a consumer contract stipulated in the Consumer Contract Law, this disclaimer shall not apply.
  • Even in the case specified in the provision of the preceding paragraph, the Company shall not be liable for any damage caused by special circumstances (including cases where the Company or the User foresaw or could have foreseen the occurrence of damage) among damage caused to the User due to default or tort caused by the Company's negligence.
    The Company shall not be liable for any damage caused by special circumstances (including cases where the Company or the User foresaw or could have foreseen the occurrence of damage).
    In addition, compensation for damages incurred by the User due to default or tort caused by the Company's negligence shall be limited to the amount of the usage fee received from the User in the month in which such damages occurred.
  • The Company shall not be responsible for any transactions, communications, or disputes that occur between users and other users or third parties regarding this service.

Article 16 (Change of Service Contents, etc.)

The Company may change the contents of the Service or discontinue the provision of the Service without notice to the User, and shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the User as a result of such changes.

Article 17 (Changes to the Terms of Use)

The Company may change the Terms of Use at any time without notice to the User, if the Company deems it necessary.
In the event that a User begins to use the Service after a change to the Terms, the User shall be deemed to have agreed to the changed Terms.

Article 18 (Handling of Personal Information)

The Company shall handle personal information obtained through the use of the Service in an appropriate manner in accordance with the Company's "Privacy Policy.

Article 19 (Notification or Communication)

Any notice or communication between the User and the Company shall be made by the method specified by the Company.
Unless the User notifies the Company of a change in the method specified separately by the Company, the Company shall assume that the currently registered contact information is valid and shall send notification or contact to said contact information, and these shall be deemed to have reached the User at the time of transmission.

Article 20 (Prohibition of Assignment of Rights and Obligations)

The User may not assign or pledge to a third party his/her position under the User Agreement or rights or obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the Company.

Article 21 (Governing Law and Jurisdiction)

  • These Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan.
  • In the event of any dispute regarding the Service, the court having jurisdiction over the location of the head office of the Company shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

Article 22(Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Measures)

We QP Co., Ltd. take measures against Anti-Money Laundering Measures and Countering the Financing of Terrorism that abuse this service.
Depending on the content and usage status of this service, we may ask you to re-confirm the company name / store name, location, telephone number, antique dealer license number or whatsoever relevant information, which we have already confirmed all of them at the time of initial registration. (Please kindly understand in advance that we possibly ask you to re-present us the relevant documents.)
For this purpose, we may ask you to provide us the additional information that we have not asked you at the time of your initial registration, such as shareholder composition, asset status, and earnings status etc.
Please remember that, based on your response details and/or the contents provided, you may be forced to limit all or part of the use of this service.
Your cooperation and help is highly appreciated.

Article 23 (Others)

Any matters not stipulated in these Terms of Use or in the individual regulations, guidelines, or operation manuals separately stipulated shall be resolved constructively through consultation in good faith between the Company and the User.

Guidelines for Sellers

This guidelines are provided to ensure that sellers properly follow the methods specified by the Company.

Article 1 (Listing Methods)

The company shall take care of procedures such as registering data with this service associated with the auction.

When a user lists an item in an auction of this service, the user must deliver the item to the Company at least 14 days prior to the date of the auction. When the delivering is completed, the user agrees that the Company will take care of the procedures for the auction and pay the fees.

Article 2 (Selling Consignment)

  • The procedures the Company acts on behalf of the sellers are as follows.
    • Inspecting and taking pictures of the items.
    • Registration data of the items for auction.
    • Storage of items at the Company’s designated location.
    • Specify the starting price of the items.
  • If there is any specification for the registration data or the starting price, it shall be reported at the time of delivery and shall be decided upon consultation between the user and the Company.

Article 3 (Responsibility of Sellers)

The user who list items shall be responsible for the items.

  • Authenticity of the items
  • Integrity of the items at the time of delivery to the Company
  • Authenticity of the ownership of the items

Article 4 (Obligations of Sellers)

  • If there are any defects or supplements to the items upon delivery of the items to the Company, the sellers must report them to the Company.
    In the event that the user fails to do so and a complaint arises, the owner of the item, whether intentionally or negligently, shall be responsible for compensation for damages.
  • The sellers must confirm the contents of the items to be auctioned on the "List of Owned Items" screen of the Service.

Article 5 (Prohibited Items)

Users are not allowed to list the following items.

  • Items that violate laws or public order and morals.
  • Items that have been improperly obtained by criminal acts or violations.
  • Items that are not in the interest of third parties, damage or displeasure.
  • Items whose quality has been damaged by this service.
  • Items that are judged to be inappropriate by the Company.

Article 6 (Prohibited Matters)

The following actions are prohibited for sellers.

  • Bidding on the items that users themselves have listed.
  • Requesting other users to bid on items.
  • Conducting transactions for the items users have listed without going through the Service.

Article 7 (Auction Fees)

  • The User shall pay a handling charge for each auction.
  • If an item is successfully bid on, users shall be deemed to have made a sale, and you shall pay the sales commission to the Company.
  • A separate handling charge will be incurred in addition to the listing fee.

The fees for each of the above items shall be prescribed separately.

Article 8 (Cancellation of listing)

If a user wishes to cancel an auction item for some reason, the user shall apply to the Company for cancellation of the relevant auction item, and the Company shall process the cancellation. The fee for the cancellation shall be determined separately.

Article 9 (Return of items)

In accordance with Article 4 of these Guidelines, if a defect in an item is found and the item is returned, the seller shall pay all compensation for the damage. (3)The Company shall act as an intermediary in the refund to the successful bidder and may charge all such expenses to the Auction User.

Article 10 (Suspension of Listing)

In the event that a user violates these Terms of Use or Guidelines, the Company may suspend the listing of the item, and the user shall be responsible for all costs associated with the return of the item. The fees for the displayed items will not be refunded.

Bidding/Successful Bidding Guidelines

The purpose of this guideline is to promote the proper use of users who bid and win bids in accordance with the methods specified by the Company.

Article 1 (Bidding)

  • Users must place a bid responsibly after checking the images and descriptions of the items.
  • The bidding price per bid shall be the unit specified by the Company.
  • The Company shall not accept any cancellation of bids.

Article 2 (Successful Bidding)

The auction will be conducted as competitive auctions, and the highest bidder will be given the right to win the auction and purchase the item.

Article 3 (Bidder's Fees)

  • Successful bidders shall pay to the Company a successful bidder's commission in addition to the amount of the purchased property.
  • Consumption tax shall be imposed on the amount of successful bids and the winning bid fee.
  • Users shall pay the total invoiced amount by the method specified by the Company on or before the designated due date after the end of an auction.

Article 4 (Prohibited Matters)

The following actions are prohibited for Users

  • Repeatedly bidding on items which Users have no intention of purchasing.
  • Bidding at the request of an seller.

Article 5 (Delivery of Items)

Delivery of successfully bid items shall be delivered after payment is received by the Company. The methods of delivery shall be as follows

  • Personal delivery at the Company.
  • The User arranges for a delivery company to deliver the items.
  • The company arrange the delivery.

All shipping and other expenses for delivery shall be borne by the User, and in the event that the Company takes over the delivery, the user shall be invoiced in advance.
Upon completion of the delivery, the successful bidder shall immediately check the items for any errors and notify the Company of any objections within five 5 days of receipt.

Article 6 (Refund/Return)

  • The Company provides information on items to be auctioned to prospective auctioneers by posting them on this website.
  • Photographs and descriptions of products on the Site are product information based on the company's standards, and we makes no guarantee of any kind regarding the products described therein. Therefore, we shall not assume any legal obligation with regard to the information on the Site, nor shall it be able to cancel a sales contract after a successful bidding due to differences between the information on the Site and the purchased product.
  • Users shall participate in pre-auction viewing to check by themselves the products they wish to purchase, and shall purchase products at their own responsibility and judgment.
  • The auctioned items are to be sold as is, and the Company shall assume no responsibility for the authenticity of the items.
The evaluation criteria for products in the Company are described in a designated alphabet. The contents of each evaluation are as follows.
Evaluation Condition
N Price tag and protective sticker included. Almost brand new.
S Unused
SA Used a few times, but in near-mintcondition.
A Some wear. Good condition.
AB Unnoticeable dirt and scratches.
B Scratches and stains from use
BC Scratches and stains that affect the appearance
C Conditions that interfere with normal use

Guidelines for Payment and Fees

These guidelines stipulate matters related to payment and fees, and are intended to facilitate smooth transactions.

Article 1 (Payment Method)

The amount charged for the use of this service can be confirmed after the end of the auction by the Company’s designated website or by e-mail notification. The payment method is as follows.

  • Wire transfer to the Company’s designated account
    Name of the bank: Rakuten bank, Ltd (楽天銀行)
    Branch name: 第四営業支店
    Account Number: 7011514 (普通7011514)
    Account holder’s name: カ)キューピーオークション
  • Credit card settlement through a collection agency designated by the Company

Article 2 (Fees)

Fees for the use of this service are as follows.

  • Fees for sellers
    • Consignment listing fee: 500 yen per sold item
    • Seller’s commission rate:5% of the hammer price
  • Auction Cancellation fee
    • Auction Cancellation fee:500 yen per item
  • Seller’s commission rate
    • Seller’s commission rate:3% of the the hammer price
  • Consumption tax on items 1 through 3 above

Article 3 (Payment of Sales)

The hammer price of the items shall be considered as sales, and the amount of sales minus a handling charge shall be transferred to the account specified by the seller after the settlement amount is fixed.
If the seller has any winning bids, the amount shall be offset and transferred or invoiced. The payment due date varies depending on the class of the items, and is as follows。

・Precious metals and jewelry: 3 days
・Kimono, antiques, art, etc.: 7 days

Article 4 (Payment Due Date)

Users shall pay the invoiced amount within seven days from the invoice date.

Article 5 (Delay in Payment)

In the event of delay in payment on the due date as stipulated in Article 4 of these Guidelines, the User must notify the Company. Any invoices not paid by the due date shall accrue interest at the rate of 14.8%per annum.










  • ウェブサイト上のオークション機能の提供
  • 出品代行ならびに商品の保管
  • 売買の仲介
  • 購入代金の回収および売上金額の受け渡し
  • 商品に対する疑義、クレームに関する事柄の仲介








ジュエリー 毎月10日 から 14日 迄

ブランド 毎月10日 から 14日 迄




  • ユーザーは当社が会員名簿に登載する事を認めかつ、会員所在公安委員会発行の「皮革類・ゴム製品類・衣類・時計宝飾品・美術品類の古物取扱い許可証」の所有者でなければならない。
  • 当社が要請する必要書類を提出しなければならない。
  • 本サービス参加に必要となる地上通信網及び通信設備を有し、当社が推奨する動作環境を満たすこと。


  • ユーザーは、自己の責任において、本サービスのユーザーIDおよびパスワードを適切に管理するものする。
  • ユーザーは、いかなる場合にも、ユーザーIDおよびパスワードを第三者に譲渡または貸与し、もしくは第三者と共用することはできない。当社は、ユーザーIDとパスワードの組み合わせが登録情報と一致してログインされた場合には、そのユーザーIDを登録しているユーザー自身による利用とみなします。
  • ユーザーID及びパスワードが第三者によって使用されたことによって生じた損害は、当社に故意又は重大な過失がある場合を除き、当社は一切の責任を負わないものとします。


  • 当社は、ユーザーが以下のいずれかに該当する場合には、事前の通知なく、ユーザーに対して、本サービスの全部もしくは一部の利用を制限し、またはユーザーとしての登録を抹消することができるものとする。
    • 本規約のいずれかの条項に違反した場合
    • 登録事項に虚偽の事実があることが判明した場合
    • 料金等の支払債務の不履行があった場合
    • 当社からの連絡に対し、一定期間返答がない場合
    • 本サービスについて、最終の利用から一定期間利用がない場合
    • その他、当社が本サービスの利用を適当でないと判断した場合
  • 当社は、本条に基づき当社が行った行為によりユーザーに生じた損害について、一切の責任を負わない。




  • ユーザーは、本サービスの有料部分の対価として、当社が別途定め、本ウェブサイトに表示する利用料金を、当社が指定する方法により支払うものとします。
  • ユーザーが利用料金の支払を遅滞した場合には、ユーザーは年14.8%の割合による遅延損害金を支払うものとする。



  • 法令または公序良俗に違反する行為
  • 犯罪行為に関連する行為
  • 本サービスの内容等、本サービスに含まれる著作権、商標権ほか知的財産権を侵害する行為
  • 当社、他のユーザー、またはその他第三者のサーバーまたはネットワークの機能を破壊したり、妨害したりする行為
  • 本サービスによって得られた情報を商業的に利用する行為
  • 当社のサービスの運営を妨害するおそれのある行為
  • 不正アクセスをし、またはこれを試みる行為
  • 他のユーザーに関する個人情報等を収集または蓄積する行為
  • 不正な目的を持って本サービスを利用する行為
  • 本サービスの他のユーザーまたはその他の第三者に不利益、損害、不快感を与える行為
  • 他のユーザーに成りすます行為
  • 当社が許諾しない本サービス上での宣伝、広告、勧誘、または営業行為
  • 当社のサービスに関連して、反社会的勢力に対して直接または間接に利益を供与する行為
  • その他、当社が不適切と判断する行為



  • 当社は、以下のいずれかの事由があると判断した場合、ユーザーに事前に通知することなく本サービスの全部または一部の提供を停止または中断することができるものとする。
    • 本サービスにかかるコンピュータシステムの保守点検または更新を行う場合
    • 地震、落雷、火災、感染症流行、停電または天災などの不可抗力により、本サービスの提供が困難となった場合
    • コンピュータまたは通信回線等が事故により停止した場合
    • その他、当社が本サービスの提供が困難と判断した場合
  • 当社は、本サービスの提供の停止または中断により、ユーザーまたは第三者が被ったいかなる不利益または損害についても、一切の責任を負わないものとする。


  • 当社は、本サービスに事実上または法律上の瑕疵(安全性、信頼性、正確性、完全性、有効性、特定の目的への適合性、セキュリティなどに関する欠陥、エラーやバグ、権利侵害などを含みます。)がないことを明示的にも黙示的にも保証するものではない。
  • 当社は、本サービスに起因してユーザーに生じたあらゆる損害について一切の責任を負わないものとする。ただし、本サービスに関する当社とユーザーとの間の契約(本規約を含みます。)が消費者契約法に定める消費者契約となる場合、この免責規定は適用されないものとする。
  • 前項ただし書に定める場合であっても、当社は、当社の過失による債務不履行または不法行為によりユーザーに生じた損害のうち特別な事情から生じた損害(当社またはユーザーが損害発生につき予見し、または予見し得た場合を含む。)について一切の責任を負わないものとする。また、当社の過失による債務不履行または不法行為によりユーザーに生じた損害の賠償は、ユーザーから当該損害が発生した月に受領した利用料の額を上限とする。
  • 当社は、本サービスに関して、ユーザーと他のユーザーまたは第三者との間において生じた取引、連絡または紛争等について一切責任を負わないものとする。












  • 本規約の解釈にあたっては、日本法を準拠法とする。
  • 本サービスに関して紛争が生じた場合には、当社の本店所在地を管轄する裁判所を専属的合意管轄とする。











  • 当社で行う出品代行手続きは以下の通り。
    • 商品の検品、商品写真の撮影。
    • オークション出品の為のデータ登録。
    • 当社所定場所にて商品の保管。
    • 商品の開始価格の指定。
  • データ登録内容、開始価格に指定がある場合は商品引き渡しに申告しユーザーと当社との間で協議の上決定するものとする。



  • 商品の真贋の信憑性
  • 当社への引き渡し時の完全性
  • 商品の所有権の信頼性


  • 出品ユーザーは当社へ商品の引き渡しを行い際に商品の瑕疵や補足がある場合、当社へ申告しなければならない。これを怠り、クレームが発生した場合の損害賠償は故意、過失を問わず商品の持ち主である出品ユーザーの責任とする。
  • 出品ユーザーは、出品予定商品の内容を、本サービスの自社出品一覧画面で必ず確認しなければならない。



  • 法令・条例または公序良俗に違反する商品
  • 犯罪行為、違法行為によって不正に得た商品
  • 第三者に不利益、損害、不快感を与える商品
  • 本サービスの品位を損なう商品
  • その他当社が不適当と判断する商品



  • 自身が出品した商品に対して入札を行う行為。
  • 他のユーザーに依頼し入札を促す行為。
  • 出品した商品を本サービスを経由せず取引を行う行為。


  • ユーザーは出品に対して手数料を支払わなければならない。
  • ユーザーが出品した商品が落札された場合は売り上げとし、売上げ手数料を当社へ支払わなければならない。
  • 出品手数料には別途手数料が発生する。











  • 入札を行うユーザーは商品の画像、検品説明文を確認の上、責任をもって行わなければならない。
  • 応札1回あたりの競り上げ価格は当社規定の単位とする。
  • 入札の取り消しについては一切応じないものとする。




  • 落札ユーザーは落札した商品の金額のほか、落札手数料を当社へ支払わなければならない。
  • 落札金額および落札手数料にはそれぞれ消費税がかかる。
  • ユーザーはオークション終了後、指定の期日までに当社指定の方法で請求合計額を支払わなければならない。



  • 購入の意思が無いのに入札を繰り返す行為。
  • 出品ユーザーからの依頼で入札をする行為。



  • 当社での手渡しによる引き渡し。
  • ユーザーにより配送会社を手配し配送。
  • 当社より配送を手配。



  • 当社は、オークション参加希望者に対して、出品予定の商品情報を当社会員サイト上に掲載することにより提供する。
  • サイト上などに掲載される商品の写真及び説明は、当社の基準に則った商品情報であり、その表記により商品について何ら保証するものではない。よって、掲載情報について、当社は何ら法的義務を負うものではなく、落札後にサイト上などの掲載情報と落札品との差異を理由とする売買契約の解除は受けることができない。
  • ユーザーは、下見会に参加して購入希望商品を自身で確認し、自身の責任と判断で商品を購入するものとする。
  • オークションの出品商品は現物有姿とし、商品の真贋について、当社は一切の責任を負わないものとする。


評価 状態
N プライスタグ、保護シールなど付属あり。新品同様の状態
S 未使用品の状態
SA 数回使用感はあるが新品に近い状態
A 多少使用感有。状態は良い
AB 目立たない汚れや傷が有る状態
B 使用による傷や汚れが有る状態
BC 傷や汚れにより外観に影響が有る状態
C 通常使用に支障が有る状態





  • 当社指定の銀行口座への振り込み
       楽天銀行 第四営業支店
       普通 7301806
  • 当社指定の決済代行会社によるクレジットカード支払い



  • 出品手数料
    • ジュエリー・ブランド品出品代行手数料:1点につき500円
    • 商品落札時手数料:落札代金の5%
  • 出品取消手数料
    • 出品取消手数料:1点につき500円
  • 落札手数料
    • 落札手数料:落札代金の5%
  • 上記1号から3号にかかる消費税









  • 当オークションで後交渉についての判断基準とする鑑別は、中央宝石研究所とGRJ(ジェムリサーチジャパン)とします。
  • 出品リストに記載されている内容については訂正が入ることがあります。
  • 出品者保証のない色石について
  • 落札後の鑑別代金、ソーティング代金は落札者様の負担ですが、その結果に差異が発生した場合は、出品者様の負担となります。
  • 上記交渉についてはオークションの終了翌日から1ヶ月以内とします。
  • 盗品と発覚した場合は後交渉の対象になります。
  • 金額の入力ミスによる後交渉は出来かねますのでご注意下さい。



所属部署:株式会社ネクステージ お問い合わせ窓口
連絡先:TEL 06-6777-9118


分類 利用目的
お問い合わせ情報 ・お客様からのご意見やお問合せに対する回答等の対応のため
お客様情報(会員登録含む) ・お客様からのご意見やお問合せに対する回答等の対応のため

(2) 後払いをご利用いただく場合(決済会社(第三者への債権譲渡)への提供)

〒546-0022 大阪市東住吉区住道矢田5-5-27
電話番号:0120-967-322 (土、日、祝日、年末年始を除く。)

ご本人が当社に個人情報を提供されるかどうかは、ご本人の任意によるものです。 ただし、必要な項目を提供いただけない場合、各種サービス等が適切な状態でご提供できない場合があります。




また当社のサイトでは個人情報を入力していただく部分にSSL(Secure Sockets Layer)データ暗号化システムを利用するなど、セキュリティ確保に努めております。


Terms of Service
These terms and conditions of use (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms of Use") shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan.
These Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms of Use") apply to the NEXTAGE Auction (hereinafter referred to as the "Service") provided by NEXTAGE Co. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") provides on this website (hereinafter referred to as the "Service").
Registered users (hereinafter referred to as "users") may use the Service in accordance with these Terms.

Article 1 (Application)

These Terms shall apply to all relationships between the User and the Company regarding the use of the Service.
In addition to these Terms, the Company may make various provisions regarding the Service, such as rules for use (hereinafter referred to as "Individual Provisions").
These individual regulations may be called by any name. These Individual Regulations, regardless of their names, shall constitute a part of these Terms.
In the event that the provisions of this Agreement are inconsistent with the provisions of the Individual Provisions of the preceding article, the provisions of the Individual Provisions shall take precedence unless otherwise specified in the Individual Provisions.

Article 2 (Purpose)

This service deals with watches, jewelry, leather and rubber products, clothing, pottery, home appliances, etc., and when holding this service, fair sales arrangements,necessary procedures, and other matters to ensure the smooth operation of the auction.

Article 3 (Method of Transactions)

The Service shall be conducted by holding auctions on the website operated by the Company using a terrestrial communication network or dedicated software, and shall act as an agent for the sale of watches and jewelry, leather and rubber products, clothing, ceramics, art works, etc., and as an intermediary in transactions between users of the Company's website and successful bidders.

Prices are bid up to a range specified by the company, and users must comply with all transaction results.

Article 4 (Role of the Company)

Our company's role in this service is as follows.

  • Provision of the auction function on the website
  • Acting as an auctioneer and storing goods
  • Intermediation of sales
  • Collection of the purchase price and delivery of the sales amount
  • Mediation of matters related to doubts and complaints about products

Article 5 (Location)

The Company's headquarters shall be located at 2F,5-5-27 Sunji Yata, Higashisumiyoshi-ku, Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture, and the Company shall be responsible for the operation and management of the Service.

Article 6 (Preliminary preview)

Prior to holding an auction of this service, a preliminary inspection shall be conducted.
The pre-auction inspection site is as follows.
2F,5-5-27 Sunji Yata, Higashisumiyoshi-ku, Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture.

The opening date and time of the pre-auction viewing site shall be announced on the Company's website for each auction.

Article 7 (Date and Time)

As a general rule, the dates and times of this service are as follows.

From the 10th to the 14th of every month

The date and time of this service may change due to our company's circumstances.
The holding time for each product is stated on the product page.
The date and time of the auction of this service will be announced on our website.

Article 8 (Registration Qualifications)

The qualifications for registration to use this service are as follows

  • The user must be authorized by the Company to be listed in the member list and must have secondhand articles dealer license (Handling Permit for Leather, Rubber Products, Clothing, Watches, Jewelry, and Artwork) issued by the Public Safety Commission in which we are belong to.
  • You must submit the necessary documents requested by us.
  • The applicant must have the terrestrial communication network and communication facilities necessary to participate in the Service, and must meet the operating environment recommended by the Company.

Article 9 (Management of user ID and password)

  • The user shall manage the user ID and password of this service appropriately at his / her own risk.
  • The User shall not, under any circumstances, transfer or lend the User ID and password to a third party, or share them with a third party.
    In the event that a user logs in with a user ID and password combination that matches the registered information, the Company shall consider the use of the site to be by the user himself/herself who has registered the user ID.
  • The Company shall not be liable for any damage caused by the use of a user ID and password by a third party, except in cases where the Company is intentionally or grossly negligent.

Article 10 (Restriction of Registration and Cancellation of Registration)

  • The Company may, without prior notice, restrict the User from using all or part of the Service, or cancel the User's registration, if the User falls under any of the following.
    • In the event that the user violates any of the provisions of this Agreement.
    • When it is found that there is a false fact in the registered information.
    • In the event of default in payment of fees or other obligations.
    • When there is no response to communication from the Company for a certain period of time.
    • When there is no use of this service for a certain period of time after the last use.
    • In any other cases where the Company deems the use of the Service to be inappropriate.
  • The Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the User as a result of any action taken by the Company in accordance with this Article.

Article 11 (Withdrawal)

Users may withdraw from the Service by following the withdrawal procedures specified by the Company.

Article 12 (Usage Fees)

  • In consideration of the paid portion of the Service, the User shall pay the usage fee separately determined by the Company and displayed on the Website in the manner designated by the Company.
  • In the event that the User delays payment of the usage fee, the User shall pay a late fee at the rate of 14.8%per annum.

Article 13 (Prohibited Matters)

In order to participate our auction site, the following qualifications are required.

  • Acts that violate laws and regulations or public order and morals.
  • Acts related to criminal acts.
  • Infringement of copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights contained in this service, including its content.
  • Acts that destroy or interfere with the functionality of our company, other users, or other third party servers or networks.
  • Using the information obtained from this service for commercial purposes.
  • Acts that may interfere with the operation of the Company's services.
  • Acts of unauthorized access or attempts to do so.
  • Acts that collect or accumulate personal information about other users.
  • Acts of using this service with a fraudulent purpose.
  • Actions that cause disadvantage, damage, or discomfort to other users of this service or other third parties.
  • Act of impersonating other users.
  • Advertising, solicitation, or business activities on the service that are not authorized by the company.
  • Directly or indirectly providing benefits to antisocial forces in relation to the Company's services.
  • Any other actions that the Company deems inappropriate.

Prohibited items related to auction listings and transactions shall be specified separately.

Article 14 (Suspension of Provision of the Service)

  • The Company may suspend or interrupt the provision of all or part of the Service without prior notice to the User if the Company deems that any of the following reasons exist.
    • When performing maintenance, inspection, or updating of the computer system for this service
    • When the provision of the Service becomes difficult due to force majeure such as earthquakes, lightning, fires, infectious disease outbreaks, power outages, or natural disasters.
    • When the computer or communication line stops due to an accident.
    • In any other cases where the Company deems it difficult to provide the Service.
  • The Company shall not be liable for any disadvantage or damage suffered by the user or a third party due to the suspension or interruption of the provision of the Service.

Article 15 (Disclaimer of Warranty and Disclaimer of Liability)

  • The Company does not guarantee that the Service will be free from defects in fact or in law (including defects related to safety, reliability, accuracy, completeness, effectiveness, fitness for a particular purpose, security, etc., errors or bugs, infringement of rights, etc.).
    The Company does not guarantee, either explicitly or implicitly, that the Service is free of defects.
  • The Company shall not be liable for any and all damages incurred by the User due to the Service.
    However, if the contract between the Company and the user regarding this service is a consumer contract stipulated in the Consumer Contract Law, this disclaimer shall not apply.
  • Even in the case specified in the provision of the preceding paragraph, the Company shall not be liable for any damage caused by special circumstances (including cases where the Company or the User foresaw or could have foreseen the occurrence of damage) among damage caused to the User due to default or tort caused by the Company's negligence.
    The Company shall not be liable for any damage caused by special circumstances (including cases where the Company or the User foresaw or could have foreseen the occurrence of damage).
    In addition, compensation for damages incurred by the User due to default or tort caused by the Company's negligence shall be limited to the amount of the usage fee received from the User in the month in which such damages occurred.
  • The Company shall not be responsible for any transactions, communications, or disputes that occur between users and other users or third parties regarding this service.

Article 16 (Change of Service Contents, etc.)

The Company may change the contents of the Service or discontinue the provision of the Service without notice to the User, and shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the User as a result of such changes.

Article 17 (Changes to the Terms of Use)

The Company may change the Terms of Use at any time without notice to the User, if the Company deems it necessary.
In the event that a User begins to use the Service after a change to the Terms, the User shall be deemed to have agreed to the changed Terms.

Article 18 (Handling of Personal Information)

The Company shall handle personal information obtained through the use of the Service in an appropriate manner in accordance with the Company's "Privacy Policy.

Article 19 (Notification or Communication)

Any notice or communication between the User and the Company shall be made by the method specified by the Company.
Unless the User notifies the Company of a change in the method specified separately by the Company, the Company shall assume that the currently registered contact information is valid and shall send notification or contact to said contact information, and these shall be deemed to have reached the User at the time of transmission.

Article 20 (Prohibition of Assignment of Rights and Obligations)

The User may not assign or pledge to a third party his/her position under the User Agreement or rights or obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the Company.

Article 21 (Governing Law and Jurisdiction)

  • These Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan.
  • In the event of any dispute regarding the Service, the court having jurisdiction over the location of the head office of the Company shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

Article 22(Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Measures)

We QP Co., Ltd. take measures against Anti-Money Laundering Measures and Countering the Financing of Terrorism that abuse this service.
Depending on the content and usage status of this service, we may ask you to re-confirm the company name / store name, location, telephone number, antique dealer license number or whatsoever relevant information, which we have already confirmed all of them at the time of initial registration. (Please kindly understand in advance that we possibly ask you to re-present us the relevant documents.)
For this purpose, we may ask you to provide us the additional information that we have not asked you at the time of your initial registration, such as shareholder composition, asset status, and earnings status etc.
Please remember that, based on your response details and/or the contents provided, you may be forced to limit all or part of the use of this service.
Your cooperation and help is highly appreciated.

Article 23 (Others)

Any matters not stipulated in these Terms of Use or in the individual regulations, guidelines, or operation manuals separately stipulated shall be resolved constructively through consultation in good faith between the Company and the User.

Guidelines for Sellers

This guidelines are provided to ensure that sellers properly follow the methods specified by the Company.

Article 1 (Listing Methods)

The company shall take care of procedures such as registering data with this service associated with the auction.

When a user lists an item in an auction of this service, the user must deliver the item to the Company at least 14 days prior to the date of the auction. When the delivering is completed, the user agrees that the Company will take care of the procedures for the auction and pay the fees.

Article 2 (Selling Consignment)

  • The procedures the Company acts on behalf of the sellers are as follows.
    • Inspecting and taking pictures of the items.
    • Registration data of the items for auction.
    • Storage of items at the Company’s designated location.
    • Specify the starting price of the items.
  • If there is any specification for the registration data or the starting price, it shall be reported at the time of delivery and shall be decided upon consultation between the user and the Company.

Article 3 (Responsibility of Sellers)

The user who list items shall be responsible for the items.

  • Authenticity of the items
  • Integrity of the items at the time of delivery to the Company
  • Authenticity of the ownership of the items

Article 4 (Obligations of Sellers)

  • If there are any defects or supplements to the items upon delivery of the items to the Company, the sellers must report them to the Company.
    In the event that the user fails to do so and a complaint arises, the owner of the item, whether intentionally or negligently, shall be responsible for compensation for damages.
  • The sellers must confirm the contents of the items to be auctioned on the "List of Owned Items" screen of the Service.

Article 5 (Prohibited Items)

Users are not allowed to list the following items.

  • Items that violate laws or public order and morals.
  • Items that have been improperly obtained by criminal acts or violations.
  • Items that are not in the interest of third parties, damage or displeasure.
  • Items whose quality has been damaged by this service.
  • Items that are judged to be inappropriate by the Company.

Article 6 (Prohibited Matters)

The following actions are prohibited for sellers.

  • Bidding on the items that users themselves have listed.
  • Requesting other users to bid on items.
  • Conducting transactions for the items users have listed without going through the Service.

Article 7 (Auction Fees)

  • The User shall pay a handling charge for each auction.
  • If an item is successfully bid on, users shall be deemed to have made a sale, and you shall pay the sales commission to the Company.
  • A separate handling charge will be incurred in addition to the listing fee.

The fees for each of the above items shall be prescribed separately.

Article 8 (Cancellation of listing)

If a user wishes to cancel an auction item for some reason, the user shall apply to the Company for cancellation of the relevant auction item, and the Company shall process the cancellation. The fee for the cancellation shall be determined separately.

Article 9 (Return of items)

In accordance with Article 4 of these Guidelines, if a defect in an item is found and the item is returned, the seller shall pay all compensation for the damage. (3)The Company shall act as an intermediary in the refund to the successful bidder and may charge all such expenses to the Auction User.

Article 10 (Suspension of Listing)

In the event that a user violates these Terms of Use or Guidelines, the Company may suspend the listing of the item, and the user shall be responsible for all costs associated with the return of the item. The fees for the displayed items will not be refunded.

Bidding/Successful Bidding Guidelines

The purpose of this guideline is to promote the proper use of users who bid and win bids in accordance with the methods specified by the Company.

Article 1 (Bidding)

  • Users must place a bid responsibly after checking the images and descriptions of the items.
  • The bidding price per bid shall be the unit specified by the Company.
  • The Company shall not accept any cancellation of bids.

Article 2 (Successful Bidding)

The auction will be conducted as competitive auctions, and the highest bidder will be given the right to win the auction and purchase the item.

Article 3 (Bidder's Fees)

  • Successful bidders shall pay to the Company a successful bidder's commission in addition to the amount of the purchased property.
  • Consumption tax shall be imposed on the amount of successful bids and the winning bid fee.
  • Users shall pay the total invoiced amount by the method specified by the Company on or before the designated due date after the end of an auction.

Article 4 (Prohibited Matters)

The following actions are prohibited for Users

  • Repeatedly bidding on items which Users have no intention of purchasing.
  • Bidding at the request of an seller.

Article 5 (Delivery of Items)

Delivery of successfully bid items shall be delivered after payment is received by the Company. The methods of delivery shall be as follows

  • Personal delivery at the Company.
  • The User arranges for a delivery company to deliver the items.
  • The company arrange the delivery.

All shipping and other expenses for delivery shall be borne by the User, and in the event that the Company takes over the delivery, the user shall be invoiced in advance.
Upon completion of the delivery, the successful bidder shall immediately check the items for any errors and notify the Company of any objections within five 5 days of receipt.

Article 6 (Refund/Return)

  • The Company provides information on items to be auctioned to prospective auctioneers by posting them on this website.
  • Photographs and descriptions of products on the Site are product information based on the company's standards, and we makes no guarantee of any kind regarding the products described therein. Therefore, we shall not assume any legal obligation with regard to the information on the Site, nor shall it be able to cancel a sales contract after a successful bidding due to differences between the information on the Site and the purchased product.
  • Users shall participate in pre-auction viewing to check by themselves the products they wish to purchase, and shall purchase products at their own responsibility and judgment.
  • The auctioned items are to be sold as is, and the Company shall assume no responsibility for the authenticity of the items.

Article 7 (Evaluation Standards)

The evaluation criteria for products in the Company are described in a designated alphabet. The contents of each evaluation are as follows.
Evaluation Condition
N Price tag and protective sticker included. Almost brand new.
S Unused
SA Used a few times, but in near-mintcondition.
A Some wear. Good condition.
AB Unnoticeable dirt and scratches.
B Scratches and stains from use
BC Scratches and stains that affect the appearance
C Conditions that interfere with normal use

Guidelines for Payment and Fees

These guidelines stipulate matters related to payment and fees, and are intended to facilitate smooth transactions.

Article 1 (Payment Method)

The amount charged for the use of this service can be confirmed after the end of the auction by the Company’s designated website or by e-mail notification. The payment method is as follows.

  • Wire transfer to the Company’s designated account
    Name of the bank: Rakuten bank, Ltd (楽天銀行)
    Branch name: 第四営業支店
    Account Number: 7301806 (普通7301806)
    Account holder’s name: カ)ネクステージ
  • Credit card settlement through a collection agency designated by the Company

Article 2 (Fees)

Fees for the use of this service are as follows.

  • Fees for sellers
    • Consignment listing fee: 500 yen per item
    • Seller’s commission rate:5% of the hammer price
  • Auction Cancellation fee
    • Auction Cancellation fee:500 yen per item
  • Seller’s commission rate
    • Seller’s commission rate:5% of the the hammer price
  • Consumption tax on items 1 through 3 above

Article 3 (Payment of Sales)

The hammer price of the items shall be considered as sales, and the amount of sales minus a handling charge shall be transferred to the account specified by the seller after the settlement amount is fixed.
If the seller has any winning bids, the amount shall be offset and transferred or invoiced. The payment due date varies depending on the class of the items, and is as follows。

・Kimono, antiques, art, etc.: 7 days

Article 4 (Payment Due Date)

Users shall pay the invoiced amount within seven days from the invoice date.

Article 5 (Delay in Payment)

In the event of delay in payment on the due date as stipulated in Article 4 of these Guidelines, the User must notify the Company. Any invoices not paid by the due date shall accrue interest at the rate of 14.8%per annum.

Please check our return and negotiation policy

  • The criteria for identification regarding negotiations that occur after an item has been sold in this auction shall be CENTRAL GEM LABORATORY Co., Ltd and GRJ (Gem Research Japan).
    In the event of any discrepancy between the identification of Central Gem Research Institute and GRJ, CENTRAL GEM LABORATORY Co., Ltd shall be given priority.
  • Descriptions in the listings are subject to change.
    In the event of a change, Users will be notified of the change in the Notifications section after login to the Website, on the Company's official LINE account and at the preliminary inspection site.
  • About colored stones without seller's guarantee
    The seller shall not be able to negotiate the return of any stones that have not been guaranteed by the seller, even if the stones are treated.
  • If the successful bidder thinks that there may be a problem with the item and decides to have it identified and sorted after winning an auction, the successful bidder shall be responsible for the cost of identification and sorting result.
    However, if the item actually has a problem and has to be returned, the seller must pay the full amount of both fees which the successful bidder had already paid for them.
  • The above negotiation shall be within one month from the day after the end of the auction.
  • If the item is found to be stolen, it will be subject to a negotiation that occurs after the item is sold.
  • Please note that we cannot accept any negotiations that occur after an item has been sold due to an error in the amount entered.
